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Fortune Mine Games Cuts Level Design Time From 20 Days To 5.5 Days using Layer
Fortune Mine Games Cuts Level Design Time From 20 Days To 5.5 Days using Layer

Read how Fortune Mine were a pioneer in AI-powered game production and increased their productivity by 260%

Updated over a week ago

Layer allows game creators to ideate, concept, create game assets in their own art style which they build off of their libraries, teaching the AI using their own art, all in one platform. Using Layer, game companies like Fortune Mine not only can go faster but can create professional game art with enhanced creativity. Layer and Fortune Mine has been partners for more than half a year and came together to highlight top use cases for every game creator to benefit.

"What is Coin Chef?"

Coin Chef (IOS, Android) is a growing luck battle game, needs a wide range of high-quality art assets, especially for level production. Thanks to Layer AI, production times of level assets including organic and inorganic characters and animals, environment and slot designs have become 4 times faster while maintaining high quality.

The assets we produce include slot machines, core and meta backgrounds, 4 items with 4 upgrades, and environmental assets. Level production was mission-critical for us, especially because whales consumed levels very quickly.

Layer reduced the production time, which was typically 20 business days, to 4-7 business days.

- Fortune Mine Games

"Who are the team behind Coin Chef?"

The Fortune Mine (FM) team is a dynamic blend of exceptional individuals, handpicked from the finest engineering and art colleges. This elite group boasts a spectrum of academic excellence, from magna cum laude graduates to seasoned associate professors.

team image

United by a shared vision, they are at the forefront of the AI revolution, harnessing its potential to refine their craft and enhance their high-caliber production capabilities. At its core, Fortune Mine embodies a culture of conscientiousness and self-discipline, underpinned by a rich diversity of knowledge and profound expertise in application management. The team's co-founders, distinguished leaders in both computer and industrial engineering, bring a wealth of experience in management, technology, growth, and product development.

In essence, the FM team is a cohesive, agile collective, driven by a common goal: to make an exceptional casual game destined to entertain players for years to come.

"What were your production challenges before discovering Layer AI?"

We produce 2D, isometric art assets. Our production process includes sketching, draft coloring, and final coloring. Each level consists of 20 item upgrades in total, this is the main reason for really long production times. Layer AI accelerated the process, especially for sketching and draft coloring phases. We finalize the outputs on PhotoShop to have even more clean visuals. Layer's PSD exports features has been a fantastic improvement to our workflow.

"How have your team adopted the tool?"

Recently, extensive usage of AI in the world increased our curiosity about new tools. Experiencing and discovering Layer AI in our work, which we know the best, motivated us the most in this journey.

Since the beginning, Layer AI fastened our production process and inspired us through its wide capabilities: custom style training, advanced editing capabilities in a familiar interface to Photoshop, easy exports were all key for our workflows. Exchanging ideas about the outputs within the team, and trying to make them even more contextually relevant assets via new prompts increased our team collaboration.

A snapshot from Fortune Mine's private canvas session within their Layer workspace

"Since using Layer, has everything suddenly turned rosy, or is it just me?"

No, Layer AI is also an on-the-fly developing product. It continues to get better with user feedback and needs. However; the Layer AI team is very responsive and fast. The team listens and understands gaming/artist use cases

Layer's current abilities: quality of generations, speed, and roadmap combined with the team's deep understanding of our workflows made us see the potential with the tool and adopt in the first place and we believe its growth will be exponential and we're super excited for the future. For instance, Layer's upcoming Spine 2D integration will be extremely useful and increase the usage of Layer within the company. It would also be nice to if the team had more detailed video tutorials and documentation for each new feature which they already started doing now.

"Layer became so core that if there is an issue, production stops"

- Bulut Korzay, Head of Product at Fortune Mine Games

Luckily when there is the team responds super fast and it’s been critical for us to form a full trust since we started our partnership exactly 8 months ago.

"What are some use cases you found for Layer within your pipeline?"

I. Background Assets for Mini-Games

Our training inputs and captions:

Note that captions were auto-generated by Layer’s auto-captioning feature then edited by us.

Example prompt:

A forest resembling rainforests with tall trees, a ground covered in soil and stone details. In the background, we see a lake through the lush vegetation, reminiscent of the green jungles seen in movies like ‘The Jungle Book.’ The scene also features remnants of Aztec architecture and archaeological ruins,[blur,poorly drawn, out of frame, vibrant color,],(clear, net, focus)

Example outputs:

Finalized asset in Photoshop after exporting as PSD on Layer.


II. Slot For Levels

Training inputs and captions:

*Note that captions were auto-generated by Layer’s auto-captioning feature then edited by us.

Example prompt: A two-story slot machine inspired by a jazz club building, predominantly adorned with red and yellow colors, featuring a trumpet on the left and a basketball on the right, digital painting, hand-painted, vibrant colors, africa, sharpness, mobile game art

Example outputs:

Finalized output in Photoshop after exporting as PSD in Layer:

Closing thoughts from Layer AI & Fortune Mine to help you get started:

  • Training multiple styles in Layer per game was key in achieving the initial consistency the team has been looking for. Learn how to create styles

  • Fortune Mine used Layer AI for both concepts and production assets and exported to PSD for finer edits on PS.

  • There is a learning curve with the tool but once learned, the team can go much faster than usual, the team is confident they will be able to shorten the time required to make levels even further from 5-7 days to 3-5 days thanks to Layer’s upcoming features. ​

    Want to get started? Click on the link below and contact [email protected] for a private demo for your team.

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